Saturday, May 27, 2006

Moving Days

I am spending my two weeks between trips to the States in the most enjoyable fashion imaginable ... moving! That's right, the Magruders have now moved across town to a new location in Yaounde. We're in a quarter called Biyem-Assi, not far from University of Yaounde I, and on the south side of the city.

Why did we move? For a couple of reasons. First, for some time now, we've been looking for a place with more room. And we found it! There are two floors with plenty of extra bedrooms. Our volunteer in mission, Ginger, will be moving in with us this summer. And we still have room to house our guests who come to do short mission trips! We also have a yard, with room for the kids to run and play.

We also had been looking for a new location in a different part of the city so that we could think about new avenues of ministry, perhaps even a new church plant. Bastos, our old neighborhood, was a great place to live, but it was also full of expat Europeans and Americans. We are hoping to get to know the Cameroonians in our neighborhood a little better now.

Our girls may also be starting a new school this fall -- but these are all future blog topics. In the meantime, we're trying get our electrical outlets working, all the plumbing sorted out, and everything out of boxes.

Oh, and we don't have Internet access at the new site yet. So until then, my blogging may remain a bit spotty and incomplete. More pictures coming ...