Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Prayer Requests from Geneva

Here are some timely prayer requests that are relevant to the meetings here in Geneva ...

... The first part of the ordination process will begin in mid-April, when a temporary Board of Ordained Ministry will hold interviews of many of our pastors, to determine their appropriateness for ordination. Pray for this process, and especially for wisdom and discernment for this Board.

... A sampler of French-language songs and hymns will be published in March. Pray that this sampler will enrich the worship of French-singing Methodists around the world!

... The final touches are being put on the officially-approved Course of Study School, required for all UM local pastors. Pray that we will be able to implement our Course of Study as soon as possible.

... Resources, resources, resources! I have written about this before, but I am constantly reminded that there are precious few Wesleyan theological and spiritual resources in the French language. Fortunately, there are reps from the UM Publishing House and Upper Room at this meeting -- and they want to help us do something about it!

... Last but not least, pray for Leah, who is being a single parent/Mission Director/Area Financial Executive while I am here. Thanks, babe!