Report from Sumbe: A Pioneer Church
Continuing a series of reports made by churches at our recent Annual Meeting... This is a report from Sumbe UMC, located in a village far in the bush, down an extremely bad road. But they were one of the first churches planted in the Southwest, since it is the home
The year 2006 saw a remarkable progress as new members were added though because some did not get baptism they have backslided. However, membership still stands at 14 men, 11 women, and about 22 children.
Members carried out group farming activities to help one another which helps to strengthen their love for one another.
The youth started to hold regular meetings as from January to June but slowed down when they started intensive work in their cocoa farms. If one of them will be trained in the Scout movement to come back and train the rest, it will make their programmes lively and more encouraging.
The women are irregular in their meetings despite the various women seminars their leaders attended in
The United Methodist Church Sumbe appreciates the effort of the
All the quarterly financial reports for 2006 were posted to the Mission Office and tithes sent through the Express Union. This proves the faithfulness of the members. Thank you.
Pastor S.T. Nkwo