I have been catching my breath after posting every day of Lent. That means that I’ve been a little out of touch.
In the post-Easter rush, I have been turning my attention to some events which loom large in the life of the Mission in the next two months. Here’s what’s been occupying my time:
… Preparations for the Annual Meeting, which will be held April 26-27, and preceded by two days of interviews by the Board of Ordained Ministry. Unfortunately, I have just learned that Bishop Boni will be unable to make the trip, which is unfortunate, since he is the one who is supposed to lead the meeting! In his absence, I will be relying on the help of two pastors from the Bishop’s Conference, Revs. Agre and Adjoubi, as well as Patrick Friday, from GBGM, and Ellis Larsen, GBHEM. Last year’s Annual Meeting was held in Limbe, but this year it will be in Yaounde, making my work just a little easier. All meetings and worship will take place at a Catholic retreat center located just south of the city.
… Only a week after that, John Thornburg makes a fourth visit. He’s staying a week this time, and will be meeting with the hymnal editorial committee in the office.
… And as he’s leaving, we’ll be visited by an auditor from GBGM Financial Department. That means ten days of excitement (woohoo!) for Leah.
… On May 31, the Magruders will be getting on a plane for our three-month “itineration” in the States. Just like it sounds, “itineration” means that we’ll be moving around a lot, while trying to have a bit of a vacation! We land in Atlanta, and will eventually make it home to Dallas. But in those three months, we’ll be making appearances in every state of the Union. OK, well not exactly, but it will only feel that way! As we get closer to departure, we’ll post a schedule on the blog so that you can come see us!