A Light Shining in Cameroon -- Day 36
French Word of the Day: lumière (pronounced a little like "loo-mee-eh"); the word for "light." In John 12:35-36, Jesus refers to himself as the "lumière," and urges the disciples to put their trust in him, so that they may become "des enfants de lumière" ("children of the light").
Face of the Day: Rosalie Nzie, National Women's Ministry Coordinator and Prison Minister, Yaounde: It's a pleasure to have Pastor Nzie working in the Mission Office now; she moved here at the beginning of the year, after having served as co-pastor of John Wesley UMC for the last two years. Not only is she an inspired preacher, but she is an awesome worship leader! And if you need prayer, then she rock the house!
Cameroon Fact: Malaria-bearing mosquitoes only bite between 11 pm and 3 am in Cameroon. Thus, the importance of sleeping under a mosquito net! (Not joshing you here; information from Dr. Mbacham, Fobang Foundation.)
Mission Challenge: I meant to make this challenge to you yesterday ... I want to simply invite you to practice a holy HolyWeek! What do I mean by that? Simply that you do three things: one, read the lectionary readings for each day of this week (this will walk you through all the events leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus); second, that you spend extra time in prayer each day praying for a meaningful Easter in the churches of Cameroon; and third, that you attend all the special worship services that may be happening in your church (Wednesday night services, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil, Easter sunrise).