Evaluating Pastoral Candidates in Yaounde
The second Annual Meeting of the United Methodist Church in Cameroon has come to a close ... All the pastors and delegates headed for home early this morning.
Over the following days, I will try to give you an overview of all that happened.
One of the most significant events of the Annual Meeting was the second gathering of the Board of Ordained Ministry. This group's responsibility is to help the Mission begin to identify and train our pastoral leaders.
This year, the Board consisted of me (Mission Superintendent), Rev. Patrick Friday (GBGM), Rev. Ellis Larsen (GBHEM), Rev. Isaac Agre (Cote d'Ivoire Annual Conferene), Rev. Philippe Adjoubi (Cote d'Ivoire Annual Conference), and observer Rev. Professor Nathaniel Ohouo.
Of course, the work we do is confidential, but I can share the good news that all ten of our probationary pastors have now received a Pastoral Delegation to administer the sacraments in their place of assignment!
From left to right, it's Larsen, Friday, Adjoubi, and Ohouo. Here we are in between interviews, comparing notes and admiring Patrick's cell phone.
At the close of the Meeting, we gathered all 23 pastors for a group picture. Ten pastors are probationary pastors, and the other thirteen are considered lay evangelists with pastoral appointments.
Once again, it's the Board of Ordained Ministry. From left to right, it's Alexis Godonou (our translator), Larsen, Adjoubi, Friday, Agre, Magruder, and Ohouo!