French Phrase of the Day: le week-end; pronounced like … wait, it’s the same word! That’s right, the French have adopted the ever-popular – and useful! -- English word, “weekend.” So, bon week-end!
Face of the Day: Mallory Magruder, youngest missionary daughter: I thought it couldn’t hurt to feature the youngest missionary among us. This is Mallory, aged seven, amateur dancer, singer, actor, and princess! She speaks street French, is working on learning her multiplication tables, and knows every line of the movie, “High School Musical.”
Cameroon Fact of the Day: The coastal town of Limbe was originally named “Victoria,” after the queen of England, when Baptist missionary Alfred Saker founded the settlement in 1858. Saker arrived in Cameroon fresh from being ousted from the island of Fernando Po (now known as Malabo), where aggressive Jesuits had proclaimed Catholicism the sole religion on the island earlier the same year.
Mission Challenge of the Day: We have in the process of making plans for our second Annual Meeting, to be held on April 27-28, 2007 in Yaoundé. Please start praying now that the meeting will be what John Wesley truly intended it to be – “holy conferencing.” And you can pray that all the plans come together in time! We’re still looking for an adequate place to house all the pastors and delegates, as well as a hall for worship and business.