Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Cameroon Exploding! -- Day 19

French Phrase of the Day: la paix; (pronounced like “pay”) the French word for peace, of course! So if I were ever to go French with my blog, it’d have to be called, “Prêcher la paix”!

Face of the Day: Nemy Lemec, pastor of Sion UMC, Obala: Pastor Lemec took over in Obala after Simeon Nomo moved to Yaounde to attend seminary last year. He had spent the previous year and a half as a pastoral assistant to Simeon. He had previously led an independent congregation in Douala.

Cameroon Fact: Mount Cameroon, located in the Southwest Province, is an active volcano which last erupted on May 28, 2000, only a little more than a year after it had erupted in March, 1999. No casualties were reported, but the lava flow stopped only 200 meters short of reaching the ocean, north of Limbe. Our Buea and Bova churches are located on or near the base of Mt. Cameroon!

Mission Challenge of the Day: Have some Google fun today – go to the classic front page of, and enter the word “Cameroon” followed by a Biblical word, and then any word off the top of your head, and hit the “I feel lucky” button. Who knows what you will discover … If it’s interesting, let me know!