Friday, March 30, 2007

A Cameroon Birthday -- Day 33

French Phrase of the Day: bon anniversaire; this is, of course, “Happy Birthday” in French. Why would I choose this as the phrase of the day? Hmmmm …

Face of the Day: Leah Magruder, Area Financial Executive/Christian Education Director, UMC Mission, Cameroon: The truth? This woman runs the Mission. She does a little bit of everything (except preach)! She keeps me on track, that’s for sure. And of course, I love her very much. This happens to be her birthday!

Cameroon Fact of the Day: Cameroon has two birthdays, sort of. French Cameroun gained her independence on January 1, 1960; British Cameroon joined the republic on October 1, 1961.

Mission Challenge of the Day: Today, you are invited to brighten a missionary’s day. As mentioned above, this is Leah’s birthday! It would be great for you to wish her a “Happy” one. Just leave a comment below or send something to: