Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Meeting with a Purpose

Annual Meeting 2007 was held at the Centre Jean Paul XXXIII in Mvolye, Yaounde. Yep, it's a Catholic Retreat Center. And yes, that's a picture of the Pope over the door on the far right side of the picture. I'm sure he would have blessed the proceedings ... Approximately 75 people were present for the business session, which took place on Friday morning, April 27.

I preached at the Opening Worship service on the theme, "Raising Up a Holy People," from the closing chapters of Joshua. I'm feeling more and more comfortable speaking French to people in individual conversations, but not from the pulpit yet. So Alexis translates with lots of energy!

Collins Etchi (left), leader of our AIDS/Malaria health team, receives communion from Rev. Philippe Adjoubi, Cote d'Ivoire Annual Conference, and Rev. Patrick Friday, GBGM. Our two worship services together were warm and exciting, and were the perfect bookends for the business we had come to do.

Rev. Isaac Agre (second from left) of the Cote d'Ivoire Annual Conference, stands to make the report of the Board of Ordained Ministry. The Board decided to extend the delegations to administer sacraments to our ten probationary pastors, and promised to offer training courses for our thirteen lay evangelists.